Monday, April 27, 2009

What about trade shows?

Here's a great suggestion for enriching your job search: trade shows.

There's a lot of information going around at industry - or product - related shows. It's a great chance to network, see the new products, get the pulse of the industry, sense which companies are hot, etc.

Because of the time and expense associated with exhibiting at the shows, it's important to understand that customers come first. As a job seeker, you might not get an appointment; the appointment could shift; or a brief handshake could be the sum total of your meeting.

I try to get to two or three trade shows (minimum) per year including: the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclubs of America (fitness industry); Interbike (bicycle industry); and Outdoor Retailer (outdoor industry).

It helps to press the flesh and meet people, put a name with a face and continue the constant networking. This post presents a lot of valuable information fo the job seeker on the benefits of trade shows.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Seeing is believing

A friend in marketing (and regular visitor to this blog) sent me this link.

One who's been interviewing people for years might tell you that people act "funny" in an interview setting. Seeing the behavioral quirks is even better than just hearing about them.

By way of Seth Godin's blog, we see a clever ruse in Seattle. To find out why some people do well at interviewing, the blog author sets up a fake interview scenario.

If I told you people would say they:
-- relocated because their spouse became a full time Bigfoot hunter;
-- described themselves as "loud;"
-- stole office chairs and pens (the Pilot Precise V5, a personal fave);
-- felt like they were just "done" with some jobs at six months;

You might think it was a joke. This guy captured it on tape for all the world.

Yes, seeing is believing.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ahh, the old in/out list

This is a wonderful list of things not to do and things to do in the job search.

The wonder of this traditional format, the what's out/what's in list, makes the wisdom contained simply beautiful and beautifully simple.

Oh yea job seeker, print this and keep it in front of thine eyes!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Careers with travel perks

Someday ... in the distant future ... when I retire from the daily tug and pull of recruitment ... when I get done teaching client companies how to hire candidates ... and simultaneously teaching candidates how to get hired by client companies ... I have my retirement "occupation" planned.

I will conduct tours called "Walking in the footsteps of Vincent Van Gogh." We start Day One in Paris at the Musee d'Orsay in Salle 35. Then take the TGV to Avignon and visit Arles on Day Two. We move on to Saint-Remy during Day Three. Returning to Paris, we take the RER to Auvers Sur Oise on Day Four to see Vincent's final resting place.

For other people who want careers combined with travel, here's a fun piece that outlines occupations to do it.

If you're not careful, I'll show you all the photos from my last two trips to France. How much time have you got?