Monday, April 27, 2009

What about trade shows?

Here's a great suggestion for enriching your job search: trade shows.

There's a lot of information going around at industry - or product - related shows. It's a great chance to network, see the new products, get the pulse of the industry, sense which companies are hot, etc.

Because of the time and expense associated with exhibiting at the shows, it's important to understand that customers come first. As a job seeker, you might not get an appointment; the appointment could shift; or a brief handshake could be the sum total of your meeting.

I try to get to two or three trade shows (minimum) per year including: the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclubs of America (fitness industry); Interbike (bicycle industry); and Outdoor Retailer (outdoor industry).

It helps to press the flesh and meet people, put a name with a face and continue the constant networking. This post presents a lot of valuable information fo the job seeker on the benefits of trade shows.

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