Wednesday, July 1, 2009

All the tech tools and nothing's getting built

Found this interesting blog post. It focuses on technology tools (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) as barriers to communication ... rather than communication expediters or enhancers.

Duane Roberts says it's critically important to create a real, mutually beneficial relationship beyond the nominal "friend" or "connection" or "follower."

Maybe I'm showing my old school, "back in the day," shoe leather personality. I agree with Duane that being a LinkedIn "Lion" is not a real measure of anything if you can't get a call back or a referral.

This reminds me of Human Resource people who use "resume flow" as the metric of choice. As a recruiting professional, my question is, "How many of those individuals are actually qualified to do the job?"

In referring to the 5,000 Twitter followers one might have, if no wants to help you, " ... give them a reason to change their minds."


  1. Eric - I think job seekers get caught in the more is better menatality. They feel that if they have several hundred contacts they will get a job. Reality has shown us that now, more than ever, is a time to really network and "work the room". Thanks for the mention.


  2. Good points, gentlemen, but let's be careful about babies and bathwater.

    Just because social media (or email, or the telephone, or membership in a service club) can be mis- or over-used, doesn't invalidate it as a networking tool. While you're right that LinkedIn or Twitter or whatever do not replace other forms of networking, they can certainly supplement, enhance, and even catalyze them.

    --rick vosper

    BTW: I can't help but note that while your point is valid, you're using a form of social media (e.g., this blog) to make it.

  3. Duane: Agree "more is better" is indeed the operative mentality. I have been asked by clients to sift through their internet respondents. Too often there is nothing in the resume related to the position posted. It's the "spray & pray" mentality.

    You are welcome for the mention. Think you caught something about the "automate human resources" thinking which is becoming more prevalent.

    Rick: Seems the early adopters of Twitter have pushed it to new levels of navel gazing and self-aggrandizement. I find reading many micro blogs a waste of time.

    Yes, like other forms of communication, they can be overused or, in appropriate applications, supplement and enhance communication.

    Think Duane's initial point was: These tools (toys?) are not substitutes for real, direct, interpersonal communication.

    And you know, mon frere, if you called me on the phone, I would tell you the same thing sans blog.
