Friday, July 17, 2009

Ten expressions to leave at home

Those hilarious guys from "I Hate People" posted a list of ten expressions to avoid in an interview. Some are overused, some are "power words" meant to convey prestige ... and all represent well worn pathways in the brain.

Confession time: I use one of these expressions on my web site. Embarrassing but true. But I'm not going to call further attention to this grammatical faux pas by mentioning it.

So without further adieu, here they are:
1. Thinking outside the box
2. Deliverables
3. First and foremost
4. Touch base
5. Prioritize
6. Offline
7. Mission critical
8. Core competencies
9. Conceptualize
10. Bandwidth

That's a great start, but, gosh, there must be a lot more that set your teeth on edge. Let's see if we can come up with another ten annoying, cloying clichés which fill a void in communication with blather. Okay, I'll start:

A. Circle back - To check with others and respond to a question.
B. Stakeholders - Other participants in getting a product or project to completion.

Okay, now it's your turn.

1 comment:

  1. For a classic-- if outdated-- take on Corporatespeak, I recommend Neal McAllister's web comic "The Adventures of Action Item,"
